Monday, October 21, 2019

Miami and the Keys

We arrived in Fort Lauderdale and picked up a car for our few days in Florida. It was lunchtime by the time we drove off and headed south to see some sights but our plan to drive to the Western side came undone due to time so after a visit to an Everglades Park we had a very late lunch and drove back to Miami. We think we saw more highway than everglade but did drive around Miami for hours but after trying a few hotels headed back up to Fort Lauderdale where we found a bed for the night. We had a transfer to a local restaurant and relaxed with a nice meal and a bottle of wine.

The next day we moved down to a resort on the Bay in Miami and our friends from Jupiter came down to join us. We had lunch at the waterfront restaurant. Some people arrived by boat! Our friends then drove us around Miami for the afternoon where we visited the houses and hotels of the rich and famous along with the shopping streets and the beaches.

                               Road down to Miami beach. This hotel is owned by Madonna

                                                                   Miami Beach

                                                We did keep an eye out for Alligators!

                                          We were also on the lookout for other monsters!

                                                   The waterfront at our Miami Hotel

                                              Sign for the local boaties! Didn't see any!

The next morning we set off to drive to the Southern most tip of USA on the final island of The Florida Keys. We had lots of stops along the way but loved the drive. It is one of the great drives of the world. It goes over hundreds of bridges and small islands as you head south. Some of the bridges are very long. We stopped at places like Key Largo and many more but finally arrived at the main island of Key West. It is small but packed. We checked into our resort and later took the shuttle into the old town.

                                         View from the car on one of the bridges.

We had arrived in Fantasy Fest and it was certainly a real life fantasy!! We were dressed in shorts and T shirts but had never felt so overdressed! Many of the venues were clothing optional and at some you could select to wear either tops or bottoms...or neither! Some were wearing just body paint.
Amongst all this is the old house of Earnest Hemingway still with 58 cats,the original lighthouse, beautiful old houses and public buildings and some very interesting shops. Given our readership we have limited the photos!! We decided not to go in costume!

                                           Rob at the famous Sloppy Joe's Bar

                                         The dogs wore more than many people!

                                       The church set among the pawn and porn shops!

                                                          Beautiful old houses.

                                          Hemingway's grand old house home still to 58 cats.

                                                                  The old lighthouse.

It was a great visit but tomorrow after a swim we plan to drive back to Miami to fly out  for Mexico City the next morning.


Miss Di said...

BUT WHERE ARE THE CAT PICTURES? The Keys drive is one on my list of things to do

Amanda said...

The photos on this post could have been so much more interesting. Hope you didn’t get sunburned anywhere unusual... 😂