Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Elephants of Kaudulla National Park

We spent an afternoon on a jeep safari in the Kaudulla National Park. This is all about elephants! We did see lots of beautiful birds, a few spotted deer an alligator but we were in search of elephants.
There were so many in one place it was elephant heaven. We spent most time in a very large flat grasslands. After the monsoon rains this will become a large lake but now it was a huge grassland. So will present some elephant photos.

                                 Coming over to say hello..or telling us to back off!

                                  Our jeep had no roof so we were able to stand and look about.

The were lots of elephants. During the afternoon we must have seen 150-200 or more.

There were lots of young elephants and small family groups. We saw lots of different herds ranging in size from less than ten to large groups of sixty or eighty.

They usually keep together in a very tight group making it hard to count. They have no real predators and there is no poaching in Sri Lanka. Less than 20% have tusks. This is a genetic thing!

                    Yes that is a baby elephant who decided that a nap was a good idea.

                      The elephant at the back was not too happy with the one in front!

The elephants decided that they wanted to go down to the water. They came up to the jeeps and forced them back with obvious intent then all strolled down for a swim and a drink.

                                                            Cooling off

                                               Mother and baby...a few months old.

                                Lots of elephants but also beautiful birds.


Anonymous said...

What! No lions!

Amanda said...

Fabulous elephant photos. The boys said to tell you they liked those videos very much. And can you flap your ears like that.

Unknown said...

What a thrill