Tuesday, November 14, 2017


We travelled to Jaffna in the far north of Sri Lanka. On the way we stopped at Tantirimale where a monastry is set  in a vast panoramic area amongst sprawling boulders in the midst of a thick forest. This was a challenging venue but spectacular. We might not have gone to a few of the sites if we had known the difficulty! It spread out over a large area and we walked several kilometres and climbed over huge boulders.

The main stupa. It was a beautiful setting amongst the rocks,lakes and forests but very hot.

                                                          The main Buddha hall.

When the Bodhi Trees were being transported from India they stopped overnight and planted the first shoot that had developed.

The site has Buddha images carved into the stone. It also has some rock paintings in small caves but these have deteriorated.

                                                          The scenery was quite beautiful.

As we walked back we saw this huge reclining Buddha carved in the side of the rock wall.

                     This is a remote and beautiful site. We had sore legs the next day!

We drove on towards Jaffna. This area was one of the strongly contested zones during the civil war .

There were no restaurants and we stopped in this shed after we chased a pig and a dog out. We picnicked on items from our last hotel along with a local hot drink and some fruits.

There were lots of check points and military bases and hospitals. This was near one of the main causeways.

There were many long causeways with fishing nets on each side. Eventually we were in the large city of Jaffna.


Miss Di said...

I've just read your last several posts, what beautiful sites you have been able to visit!

In Australian news's it's a YES vote from the over 12 million who participated (79.5% of the eligible population).

Unknown said...

5th picture down, Is this an example of the deterioration of or in the caves

gailandrob said...

Very funny Tony!