Thursday, November 30, 2017

Sun and rain in paradise

We woke to the sun and after a substantial breakfast went snorkeling and later went out in a two man kayak. We circumnavigated the island that gave us a waterfront view of the various bungalows and facilities. We spent a lot of time floating over the shallows of the "coral garden". The coral is badly damaged not from the Tsunami as is the case in Sri Lanka but from the rise in sea temperatures that occurred from about 2010. There are still corals but not as wonderful as before. The fish are in great number and variety. With the still water we could see them with the bright blues, yellows, pink and every colour.
Later in the afternoon Rob swam the coral trail and was rewarded not only with good viewing of corals and fish but also conga eels, turtles and a variety of marine life. At any point of time you could see a hundred fish of varying size and colour.

                                                            Bird on a spit!
This is the only resident of the sand spit near our room. He is part of the scenery!

We have walked along the sand spit and swam in the waters on each side.

During the night the weather changed again. It rained all day and we only ventured out for meals.
The photos above and below were taken in the rain when we realised that on the previous day we had been swimming and had taken few photos.

Our holiday on Gangehi is almost over. If the weather clears tomorrow and our seaplane can pick us up we fly to South India
Despite the mixed weather we have had an enjoyable time in the Maldives.

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