Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Peace in The Bay of Pigs

It was an interesting drive from Vinales to The Bay of Pigs, the site of the attempt by the USA or at least the CIA to invade Cuba in 1961. The secret plan was developed by the CIA to train Cubans living in Florida to make up an invasion force with backing from the US armed forces. This was under the Presidency of Reagan but Kennedy was at the helm by the time the forces were ready. He did allow it to go ahead but pulled the plug on the air and naval support. This and the fact that the secret was well known to the Cubans, resulted in a great fiasco and a humiliating defeat. After a few years the captured forces were exchanged for millions in medicines and baby food!

On arrival we relaxed with a swim in the peaceful waters. First in a pool linked underground to the bay and finally in the Bay of Pigs.

                                                  Cooling off time at The Bay of Pigs!

The Museum has a lot of written material along with photographs as well as large and small weapons.

                           The Prime Minister and the President along with their General Che.

                                                                 A Russian tank

It was a day of discussion on the time leading up to the revolution with the small band of guerillas trained in Mexico coming across to Cuba. Defeated at first, they retreated to the mountains and built up numbers. They declared war on the government forces along with the Catholic Church and the wealthy. Eventually the Prime Minister fled the country and Castro was hailed as leader. This is of course a broad generalisation!!

It was also a day of discussions of the problems that have continued through to the current day. Issues like the refusal of American oil companies to follow directives to refine Cuban oil and the resultant nationalisation; the US retaliation and then the nationalisation of all foreign companies; the dependency on Russian funds and their withdrawal with the collapse of the USSR and the blockades that continue on. We would learn more on our arrival in Cienfuegos about the distribution of food.

We finished the day at a small casa in Cienfuegos that was very pink. No Gail did not have a pink negligee!

1 comment:

Miss Di said...

Looks like you're basically travelling a goodly amount of my 3U modern history course from 1987!