Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dining With Manuel

During our visit to Spain, we have had many meals when we were served by Manuel....... with a few supervised by Basil and Sybil.

One memorable meal had Manuel having about as much English as we have Spanish. he used his full vocab..... Sit!... Order!..... Eat!.... Pay!...... These were his only words during the meal.

Using our equally limited Spanish vocab, most of which relates to food, we somehow managed quite a reasonable meal.

We have also learnt a few lessons about What Not To Order In Spain.

1. Beef... the day after the bullfight
2. Anything round and rubbery served in a gravy when Manuel laughs when he serves it.
3, Anything for dinner before 10 pm.
4. Sangria after 4 am.... just joking.

Having "mastered" the art of ordering in Spanish, we move on to PĂ´rtugal tomorrow.


theotherbear said...


PS - if you're still up at 4am I would think Sangria is an excellent idea.

Miss Di said...

Dinner at 10pm, so civilised. I guess though you'd have to stay up until 4am to let it digest...

Anonymous said...

Are you still eating and drinking? Keep it up.

gailandrob said...

Our two lunches in Porto have been so good that it has been hard to fit in dinner.

We have managed Portuguese Rose and tonight plan to work on the port.