Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Shopping in Cuba

We had a good look at the distribution of food in Cuba. We visited a local store that distributes the rationed products and also the stores that sell at market prices.

The local store in Ceinfuegos. There are about 380 families that receive their rationed goods and can only receive them from this store.

The prices and ration quantities. So plenty of sugar but not many eggs. Set amounts of rice, beans,oil etc.

                                        The ration book. A record is also kept at the store.

 We watched a meat delivery. The meat was in a non refrigerated truck and the day was hot. One side of pork bounced on the ground! No, the dog did not score a sausage and we didn't order any that night.

The local pharmacy. All medicine is free with a script. This shows the total stock. Medical treatment and hospitals are free.

We moved on to a public store, There are not too many. This was the first good stock of water we found at normal prices! The range of goods is very limited but it is where you can purchase extra food. So you only get your 5 eggs from the ration shop but move on to buy the extras that you need at market price.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That sounds pretty dismal really!