Thursday, September 26, 2013

Four seasons in one week

It is only a little over a week ago that we were complaining about the heat in Greece and Turkey. By the time we reached Kiev and drove into the city we commented on the beautiful colours of autumn. We collected red leaves and complained of the cold. In Lvid we really noticed the cold but by Krakow we decided that winter was definitely upon us. The temperatures are down to 4 overnight and about 11 or 12 during the day
Last night we finally made spring. We attended a concert of the Chamber Orchestra of St. Maurice and on the program was none other than Vivaldi The Four Seasons-Spring. We walked back home with jumpers and coats and decided it was back to winter.

The cloth hall on the way to the concert

 The concert venue. Great acoustics
 View from the venue
A levitator we passed on the way do they do that?


Anonymous said...

Dad, didn't you check for mirrors and invisible ladders just like when you took us into the sideshows at the show?


gailandrob said...

Sometimes you know the answer to a question when you ask it! Remember my former profession!
Sometimes you don't and hope that someone in the class is smarter than you!!

Amanda said...

So how did he do that???

gailandrob said...

We were counting for one of you being smart enough to know the answer