Thursday, June 21, 2007

Odd tales 1

As one travels you cant help but notice the many quirky tales and oddities. Sometimes they reflect on the sense of national identity of the people. This is a collection of a few.

1. Portaferry Ireland
Sign on the Seal Aquarium "Sorry we have no seals"
Could this only happen in Ireland?

2. Gairloch Scotland
Graffiti on wall..... A rare sight in this part of the world.
"Wee Dave is sexist"
One could only wonder what Wee Dave has done to warrant this public outing. No offence to our family and friends called Dave.

3. Kirkwall Orkney
Road sign
"Beware. Otters cross here."
Well we have kangaroos, koals and crocodiles.

4. Lerwick Shetland
Editorial in "Shetland Life" on "Da Voar Redd up" (cf Clean up Australia Day)
"...the vast majority of shoes we find washed up are left feet. The difference in shape, and the effect this has on the way they move in the water, means that all the right footed shoes end up on the other side of the Atlantic"
Has anyone visited this spot on the other side of the Atlantic? Do you know of any other similar theories?


Miss Di said...

That's hysterical. All of it, but especially the shoe thing. Next time I'm at the beach I am going to have to examine washed up thongs and see which foot is more likely to land here!

theotherbear said...

I love those stories. I must find someone on the other side of the atlantic to check on the shoes thing. And have a wee word with Dave...